

(A)pocrypha :: Coke

No one who's forreal from ATL was surprised that the secret ingredient in Coca Cola is coca leaves. Either because ATL's been full of coca ever since they brushed the ashes off, or because the AJC published the recipe in 1979.

I knew because my abuela always kept it in the green glass bottles and thought it was funny to offer us a Dope Cola. And their ads aren't subtle with the giant ice creams and white girls.

History of Coca Cola ads:

1908 - Good til the last drop
1917 - Three million a day.
1925 - Six million a day.
1927 - Pure as Sunlight
1941 - Coca-Cola is Coke!
2009 - Open Happiness

JAPAN 1987: I feel Coke.

INDIA 2011: Burrrrrrrrr